Our core investigations unearthing the orchestrated plans to grab the late Bishop Shalita’s land in Kiruhura has exonerated State House whose reputation had been brought to near shame. One State House Staff has meticulously, for a long time managed to make different bodies of Government knock heads over a scandal involving a few members of the first family attempting to steal Bishop Shalita’s land at Ekimomo, Kyeera, Kayonza, Kikatsi in Kiruhura district.
One Ndyomugyenyi Sandra, it is reported has been in a secret relationship of a kind with one Nzaire Nuwomugisha Sedrack often introducing himself as “Kaguta”, to cunningly evoke his relationship with H. E The President and intimidate unknowing victims of his trade.
Some of the Government officials who have talked to our reporter in confidence allude to the inconvenience of the selfish behavior of the duoal. Officials have been intimidated almost to submission. “The trick stars alleging the President sSends them to relay his State Hhouse directives aggressively on a daily basis coerce arse the officials to effect the unwritten directives of the President,” one senior Government official lamented.

In a recent meeting held under the auspices of Ministry of LandsHousing at the Hearing of the Bishop Shalita and Kajundira fraud title scam, a one Grace Majoro rebuffed Sandra in public putting her on the Bback foot when Grace said “” Sstate House does not make verbal orders, they always make formal written communications.” Sandra was able to save her face by staging a walkout.
Deep findings revealed that the lady purporting to be dragging State House into the 4 illegal title woes, the saida one Sandra Ndyomugenyi is indeed acting on her own.
This is not the first time Ndyomugyenyi is facing ‘fire’ and being distanced by State House. Last year the Presidential Press Secretary released a statement rubbishing a letter signed by Ndyomugyenyi on behalf of the President’s Private Secretary Dr Kenneth Omona. This was in a matter involving an allegation of non-payment to cyber security experts where Sandra Ndyomugyenyi, purportedly wrote on behalf of the Principal Private Secretary to H.E the President without authorization, in reference to a complaint about Non-Payment for work done by Cyber Security Experts.
“We would like to assure the general public to totally disregard the letter and its contents for it is baseless, false and should be treated with the full contempt it deserves,” PPU said in a statement dated 28th October, 2022.
Documentary Evidence
Highly confidential documents we have seen reveal that Ndyomugyenyi is intimately working to promote the interests of Nzaire Nuwomugisha Sedrack, alias Kaguta, President Museveni’s younger brother who is also the NRM Chairperson of Kiruhura District where the purported illegal four titles were planned from.

The offices of the Chairperson NRM Kiruhura district where Nzaire sits
Conflict Of Interest Unearthed.
Sandra Ndyomugenyi works as a Legal aide in State House, where she is supposed to mediate neutrally when issues regarding conflict resolution are brought before the Fountain of Honor. For starters, the lawyers MNA (Mpamizo, Nabaasa & Akineza Advocates) representing the Christopher Kajundira, (the alleged grabbers of the late Bishop Shalita land) are the same lawyers working for Sandra Ndyomugenyi in her other private matters which documents show she has joint interests with Nzaire.
Top State House officials have revealed to us in confidence that State House as headed by H.E President Museveni is not taking any sides in the land wrangle that has lasted for over 30 years and more so when Courts have already pronounced themselves over the matter.

We can reveal that Sandra Ndyomugyenyi in an affidavit application in support of a Caveat of a property allocated jointly to her and Nzaire by the Departed Asians Property Custodian Board, located on Plot 2 Fort Road LRV 118 Folio 8, located at Old Kampala,
Kampala, she uses the same lawyers representing the late Kajundira family, as her lawyers in the matter. Evidently this was not planned by State House.
Fictitious Property Allocation Busted
On October 12 2021, the Departed Asians Property Custodian Board issued a temporary allocation of a property on Plot 2 Fort Road LRV 118 Folio 8 Kampala (See letter below) to Sandra Ndyomugenyi and Nzaire Nuwomugisha Sedrack. This was in response to her application of 15 Sept 2021. Surprisingly, DAPCB allocated the property in just one month!
The allocation letter was signed by Bizibu George William the Executive Director DAPCB. (look out for the details in one of our publications )
Who is Nzaire in the Illegal title scam
An Incontrovertible source has revealed to our reporter, how Nzaire has been the architect of the creation of the 4 illegal titles over land occupied and owned by Bishop Shalita’s family and realtives. Thescam was processed through the Kiruhura Land Board. Nzaire is Chairman of the ruling party in the same District.

It has been revealed that Nzaire’s interest goes beyond the obvious marriage relationship with the Kajundira’s, a plot to buy the land from Kajundira’s after the battle with the Family and relatives of Bishop Shalita has already been mooted between Nzaire, and one other younger Kaguta brother of his.
Blood Relationship
It is now a well confirmed fact that Nzaire Kaguta is related through marriage to the family of Kajundira and therefore, he must have found it inevitably strategic to use his powers in Kiruhura to perfect the crime with the creation of the 4 illegal titles on Block 90 Plot 12 in 2022, and have them mounted on top of the old existing Survey of Bishop Shalita of 2005, with assurance of protection from his well placed Sandra.