46,667 have passed in division onein the 2022 Uganda Certificate of Education released by the Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB).
An additional 76,745 candidates passed in second division,88,690 in third division and 117,837 passed in division four.
A total of 15,756 failed the examinations and are expected to repeat senior four if they wish to proceed to senior five.
Releasing the exam results Thursday, the board’s executive director, Mr Dan Odongo said a total of 345,695 candidates sat for the examinations out of 345,945 who registered for the examinations.
He however noted that there is an improvement in performance of candidates this year given an increase in the number of candidates who passed in division one and others consecutively.
There is an improvement in performance in the large entry subjects except in Christian Religious Education, Biology and Commerce.
Mathematics showed better performance at the Distinction level, but declined overall. English language improved at credit and overall Pass levels but declined at the distinction level.
Performance in Biology has continued to decline as seen in the last few years.
“Worth noting is that, performance in Physics and Chemistry has improved, although the overall pass levels are still low. Over 40% of the candidates have not passed the two subjects,” Mr Odong said