The district Kadhi Kibuku Sheikh Issa Setimba has called upon people of kibuku to always be mindful of whatever word they say towards others because one may not know how deep these words go and affect the fellows.
The DK made this call while giving his sermon at the burial of Mariam Nalwoga in village Kujji ward Tirinyi town council Kibuku district yesterday 18th 2022 while condemning the bad act made by Yiga Abdul Nasir the son to the diseased who abused his paternal uncle Issa Tigawalana accusing him of having killed his mother and creating divisions into this family.
Yiga Abdul Nasir while speaking on behalf of the deceased’s family called his uncle among the mourners and stated accusing him which annoyed the mourners including religious and local leaders who started vacating the place even before the burial.
The DK condemned this act and upon this called upon the people to always first think of whatever they want to do or speak and how it will affect others and that what Yiga did was not good and should seek Allah’s forgiveness.
Nanywantya Elusinia the lc2 chairperson of Tirinyi town council says that all parents should groom their children well to avoid such incidents adding that a well brought up child will always have respect for elders and will never reach such.