The Imbalu inauguration ceremony organizers were forced to end the function prematurely on Saturday after a group of rowdy youth bypassed their excitement levels and stormed Minister Gorrette Kitutu’s Tent.
Kitutu, the Minister in charge of Karamoja had on the function represented President Museveni who had been invited to preside over the function which attracted close to a million people.
“It was a mess, we from nowhere saw a group of young rowdy youth singing songs and dancing in excitement storming the High-Level Tent which forced the Minister to run away,” said a journalist who covered the event,”
It was Mbale RCC Ahamada Washaiki who saved the Minister and other guests and this led to the ending of the function prematurely,” he added.
The function was half a success but more of a mess, according to a section of people who attended it, especially the locals said that they did not see what had highly been advertised by the organizing committee.
“Too many things happened man but as a journalist who is a Mumasaaba, I can’t reveal everything and that’s why I didn’t do that story, but just know things were not all good,” said another journalist.
Speaking to a section of reporters after the event, Mbale RCC Ahamada Washaki, who described the event as a success, admitted that the possessed participants turned violent and compromised the security to an extent that the Guest of Honour Mary Gorretty Kitutu and other VIPs had to flee the scene early for their own safety without making her speech.
Stealing of Seven Bulls
Angry revelers who spoke to DaParrot wondered why the organizers could serve them on Beans yet they had promised meat.
“This was the worst Imbalu ceremony have attended,” said one Hafsa Neumbe who added, “Can you imagine they didn’t give us meat yet they assured us that plenty of meat will be here,”
The anticipation by the organizers that the function would be a success was downplayed by the majority of the locals to whom DaParrot spoke.
DaParrot later learned from some of the clan leaders that seven Bulls meant for the function were stolen by unknown assailants.
The organizing committee led by Godwin Mubuya couldn’t account for the furious clan leaders, who demanded answers on why the heads of cattle went missing.
Edward Mukholi the Sanno clan leaders pinned some elements n the organizing committee for swindling the money that was meant to buy items.
“This was a total shame, what a sham function,” he wondered.
Emma Watundu, the head of the press team at the organizing committee was also dumbfounded as he wondered how the alleged thieves, stole the even heads of cattle at the security’s watch.
The organizing committee had earlier assured locals that it had deployed 500 security officials to man a function that expected a million guests.