Land Ministry has canceled a land title belonging to Indian tycoon Minaz Karmali Mukono in an effort to save the country’s natural resources, Baker Mugaino the Commissioner of land registration in the Ministry of Lands has confirmed.
Mr. Karmali’s certificate of title as comprised in Freehold register volume 1011 Folio 15 block 113 plot 1425 at Nantabulirilwa was issued in error or fraudulently.
He told this website that the decision to cancel the illegal title was taken after public hearings.
“The office having confirmed in the public hearing that indeed the certificate of title as compared in freehold register volume 1011 Folio 15 block 113 plot 1425 at Nantabulirilwa was illegally issued. Contrary to the provisions of section 44 of the Land Act and followed the procedural requirements under section 91 of the land Act,” he said.
“Now, therefore, by vested upon me under section 91 of the land act, I hereby order that the certificate of title comprised freehold register volume 1011 Folio5 Kyagwe Block 113 plot 1425 be and is hereby canceled from the register book.” He added.
The Ministry of Lands confirmed the cancellation of the title and said it was free for Minaz to appeal the decision.
For years Minaz Karmali has been embroiled in Land battles with various land owners and local people in Mukono.
Many residents have confessed that Minaz Karmali who is well connected within the security circles moves around with a loaded pistol and he has threatened to shoot many who object to his advances on their hands.
Recently he threaten to shoot an Asakari of Kalule Godfrey whose land Minaz wanted to grab according to the Asakari.
The Commission of Inquiry into Land Matters has since established that 600 hectares in Nonve Forest had been destroyed and land allocated to various people illegally.