52% of the households that are benefiting in the Parish Development Model (PDM) are not profiled, DaParrot exclusively Report.
Government is currently implementing the PDM, which aims at uplifting 39% of the households from the subsistence sector.
A tune of over Shs1.142Tn was allocated towards the implementation of the program which is aimed at developing households in seven major pillars which include: Agriculture (Production, Storage, Processing and Marketing), Infrastructure and Economic Services, Financial Inclusion, Social Services, Mindset Change and community mobilization. Shs1.59Tn of this is for a “revolving fund”
For proper implementation of the program, government had to implement the Parish Based Management Information System (PBMIS) that would ease the information flow. The PBMIS is built and housed by the MoICT&NG).
In an interview with DaParrot, Godfrey Kabyanga, the State Minister of National Guidance in the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (MoICT&NG) said that more is being done to ensure that all PDM beneficiaries are captured clearly.
“It is this system that will enable us know all the beneficiaries of the |PDM,” Kabyanga told DaParrot on Thursday.
“There is a lot of progress, we have collected Data from so far 48% of the households and the system has started working its only Data collection that is letting us down,” he added.
According to Kabyanga, the ministry has to profile each and every PDM household beneficiary.
“If you are not yet profiled, we shall do so when you are getting money but otherwise our target was to carry out mass profiling,”
The Auditor General’s Report highlighted that the ministry received only SHs9.4Bn out of their PDM activities budget of Shs12.4Bn, which hindered the fully implementation of the planned activities.
“I noted that PDM baseline data collection exercised only in 169 out of 181 HIGHER Local Governments and the exercise was incomplete and behind schedule at a completion rate of 41%,” the Report reads in part.