Home News DaParrot Series: Part One: Undressing the 26 Organizations Promoting Homosexuality in...

DaParrot Series: Part One: Undressing the 26 Organizations Promoting Homosexuality in Uganda


Church of Uganda Archbishop Rev. Dr. Stephen Kazimba Mugalu on Friday released a three page statement, condemning the deliberate move by the Church of Cantibury to bless the same sex marriage.

Dr. Kazimba’s statement came at a time when numerous debates are going on the homosexuality presence in Ugandan communities especially in Churches an schools.

Last month the National Bureau for Non-Governmental Organizations, (NGO Bureau), which is mandated by the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2016 to register, regulate, inspect, coordinate and monitor activities of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Uganda released a list of the NGOs that are reportedly promoting homosexuality in Uganda.

In the period between 2021 to 2022, the NGO Bureau received concerns from various stakeholders alleging that a number of NGOs were involved in promoting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) activities in the country. As a result, investigations were initiated on the suspected NGOs and action taken against those where investigations had been concluded,” the Bureau said in a Report.

According to the Report, the NGO Bureau has so far received concerns against 26 Organizations suspected to be involved in promoting LGBTIQ activities in the country. 

“Out of which, 4 cases have been investigated and concluded. The remaining 22 cases are still undergoing investigations,” 

The Bureau said that the organizations alleged to be involved in promoting LGBTIQ activities in the country coin and disguise their objectives under, the promotion of human rights; advocating for gender diversity; providing legal aid; access to justice to marginalized groups and sexual minorities; and prevention of HIV/AIDS among, “others in order to hoodwink the NGO Bureau and obtain registration whereas they conduct different activities on the ground,” 

“Some of the organizations involved in promoting LGBTIQ activities continue to operate as companies limited by guarantee having been barred from registering with the NGO Bureau due to the nature of their activities,” it reads.

List of the Organizations

Those whose investigation is concluded are; 

Sexual Minority Group Uganda (SMUG)

Robust Initiative fo Promoting Human Rights

Tranz Network Uganda


Ubuntu Law and Justice Centre

Under Investigation

1. Freedom and Roam Uganda 

2. Uganda Key Population consortium 

3. Human Rights Awareness and promotion Forum Uganda (HRAPF) 

4. Lady Bird empowerment centre 

5.  FEM Alliance Uganda 

6. Rainbow mirrors Uganda 

7. Women with a mission 

8. Initiative for rescue Uganda 

9. Icebreakers Uganda 

10. East African Visual Artists 

11. Justice and Economic Empowerment for Women and Girls’ Foundation Uganda Ltd (JEEWAG) 

12. Visual Echoes for Human Rights Advocacy (VEHRA) 

13. Children of the Sun Foundation Uganda 

14. Refugee Support project

 15. Empowered at Dusk Women’s Association (EADWA) 

16. Men of the night Uganda 

17. Serving Lives Under Marginalization (SLUM) 

18. Service Workers in Group Foundation Uganda 

19. Let’s Walk Uganda 20. Come Out Post Test Club-Uganda (COPTEC)

 21. Hope Mbale 

22. Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda.

In our continuous series, we shall give details of all these organizations, how they operate and other information

Tomorrow we shall write about SMUG Activities

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