A landlord in Namasaba, Mbale City has surrendered three rental rooms to host a Child care nursery and primary school whose roof was blown off by heavy wind last month.
Mustafa Galiwango a neighbor of Child Care Nursery and Primary School says he could not watch pupils sit home after the wind destroyed their four classroom blocks.
Child care-nursery and primary school are one of the two Schools destroyed by the heavy wind which hit Namasaba Four Cell in Namasba Ward and Kibumbere Cell in Doko Cell.
The wind which occurred on Thursday last week at 5 pm for less than ten minutes destroyed three homes, leaving dozens in the cold.

Meanwhile, the Victims cry that a week after the incident, no rescue effort has been realized from the government although several government agencies and officers visited the area.
Sarah Nambozo Christine a teacher at child care nursery and the primary school says that people came including the Mbale RCC, Red Cross, councilors, and took pictures of the destroyed structures with hopes to get support from them.
Katuba Ali, a teacher at Namabasa Secondary School says that they have not received any assistance yet since the incident but thanks the media for the great job done in informing the public.
Dauda Kawonga the chairman board of Governors Namabasa secondary school says that they have hope in the hands of the government based on the promises made by the officer who visited the area.
Meanwhile, the Mbale RCC, Ahmad Washaki called for a little patience, saying his office notified the relevant authority about the matter immediately after visiting the area. He added that a detailed report is soon reaching the line Ministry for appropriate response.

Great job by daparrot. Thx for publicising this . Hope the gov’t comes to their rescue